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All My Trials / Bahaimia Spiritual / Norman Luboff
All My Trials - Piano
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - Chor a capella
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - S Piano
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - ATB a capella
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - A Piano
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - STB a capella
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - T Piano
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - SAB a capella
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - B Piano
00:00 / 02:46
All My Trials - SAT a capella
00:00 / 02:46
Angel / Sarah McLachlan / Mac Hoff
00:00 / 05:39
Version GVK
00:00 / 07:02
Ave Maria
Ave Maria - Orgel
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - S Piano
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - S a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - ATB a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - A Piano
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - A a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - STB a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - T Piano
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - T a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - SAB a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - B Piano
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - B a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Ave Maria - SAT a capella
00:00 / 02:47
Caravan of Love / Erst Isley / Chris Jasper/ Marvin Isley
00:00 / 02:56
Engel / T. Lindemann / Oliver Gies / Jan Bürger
00:00 / 03:17
Fallen Angel (BeeGees) / B. M. R. Gibb / Vite Pitlok
00:00 / 04:30
Heilige Mutter Gottes / Jean-Baptist Francois Pommpallier
Heilige Mutter Gottes - Chor a capella
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - S Piano
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - ATB a capella
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - A Piano
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - STB a capella
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - T Piano
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - SAB a capella
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - B Piano
00:00 / 01:55
Heilige Mutter Gottes - SAT a capella
00:00 / 01:55
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray / Trad. Spiritual / Victor C. Johnson
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - Chor SATB a capella
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - S Piano
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - ATB a capella
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - A Piano
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - STB a capella
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - T Piano
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - SAB a capella
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - B Piano
00:00 / 02:54
I Couldn´t Hear Nobody Pray - SAT a capella
00:00 / 02:54
I have a Dream / Benny Andersson / Björn Ulveaus / C. Görlitz
00:00 / 02:36
I Then Shall Live / Jean Sibelius / Gloria Gaither
I Then Shall Live - Chor SATB a capella
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - Chor mit Orchester arr. Vite Pitlok
00:00 / 01:15
I Then Shall Live - S Piano
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - ATB a capella
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - A Piano
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - STB a capella
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - T Piano
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - SAB a capella
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - B Piano
00:00 / 01:18
I Then Shall Live - SAT a capella
00:00 / 01:18
Ich will dich Preisen / Wayne Romero
Ich will dich preisen - Chor SATB mit Orgel
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - S Piano
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - ATB a capella
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - A Piano
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - STB a capella
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - T Piano
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - SAB a capella
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - B Piano
00:00 / 00:24
Ich will dich preisen - SAT a capella
00:00 / 00:24
In S. Angelum custodem (Zum hl. Schutzengel) / A. Bruckner
00:00 / 06:06
Jesus, dir gehören meine Lieder / Werner Thiede / G. Schultz
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - Chor mit Gitarre
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - Piano
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - S Piano
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - ATB a capella
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - A Piano
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - STB a capella
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - T Piano
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - SAB a capella
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - B Piano
00:00 / 00:27
Jesus dir gehoeren meine Lieder - SAT a capella
00:00 / 00:27
Mater Dei / Lorenz Meierhofer
Mater Dei - Chor SATB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - S Piano
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - S a capella
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - ATB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - A Piano
00:00 / 01:13
Mater Dei - A a capella
00:00 / 01:13
Mater Dei - STB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - T Piano
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - T a capella
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - B Piano
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - B a capella
00:00 / 01:10
Mater Dei - AST mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:10

Missa Festiva / Lorenz Meierhofer
13 - Kyrie Eleison - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:34
14 - Gloria - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:35
15 - Alleluia Festiva - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:46
16 - Sanctus - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 02:31
17 Agnus Dei - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 02:10
18 Alleluia Jubilate Deo - Chor SAB mit Orgel
00:00 / 01:29
19 - Pater-Noster - Chor SAB acapella
00:00 / 03:02
20 - Alleluia Gaudete - Chor SAB a capella
00:00 / 01:37
Segne Du Maria / Trad. 16. JH / Lorenz Maierhofer
Segne du Maria - Chor mit Streicher
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - Chor a capella
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - S Piano
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - ATB a capella
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - A Piano
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - STB a capella
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - T Piano
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - SAB a capella
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - B Piano
00:00 / 00:56
Segne du Maria - SAT a capella
00:00 / 00:56
Sesivuma sigiy
The Lord bless you and keep you / John Rutter
The Lord bless you and keep you - Piano
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - Chor a capella
00:00 / 02:00
The Lord bless you and keep you - S Piano
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - ATB a capella
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - A Piano
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - STB a capella
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - T Piano
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - SAB a capella
00:00 / 02:27
The Lord bless you and keep you - B Piano
00:00 / 02:00
The Lord bless you and keep you - SAT a capella
00:00 / 02:27
Tråg mi, Wind / Christian Dreo
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